A long history (over 20 years!)


14 years old: My arrival in Paris

15 years old: meeting with the composer and conductor Pierre Boulez at the Salle des Concerts of the Cité de la Musique (now the Philharmonie de Paris). TV interview broadcast on Arte TV.

15-20 years: regular attendance at the Music Museum (an integral part of the Philharmonie de Paris / Cité de la Musique). Free visits and guided tours of the Museum.

20 years: beginning of my professional career, as a supervisory agent at the Music Museum

21 years old: my beginnings as a guide-lecturer at the Music Museum, in particular in charge of children aged 4 to 6 (guided tours of the Museum + instrumental practice workshops)

34 years old: imminent return to the Philharmonie as conductor

36 years old: reunion. Return to the Philharmonic as a conductor with the children (7-12 years) of the Musical and Orchestral Education System with a Social Vocation (DEMOS, Dispositif d'Éducation Musicale et Orchestrale à vocation Sociale). First contacts with the children of the DEMOS Hauts-de-Seine Orchestra (January 2021).  

Photo: Tony BERTRAND